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sanitizeString(String) - Method in class org.deri.tarql.CSVParser
Remove/replace weird characters known to cause problems in RDF toolkits.
sanitizeUrl(String) - Method in class org.deri.tarql.CSVParser
Remove '<' and '>' symbols from a URL if present.
seenSelectOrAsk - Variable in class org.deri.tarql.TarqlParser
setColumnNamesInFirstRow(Boolean) - Method in class org.deri.tarql.CSVOptions
Set whether the CSV file's first row contains column names.
setDelimiter(Character) - Method in class org.deri.tarql.CSVOptions
Sets the delimiter between entries.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class org.deri.tarql.CSVOptions
Specify the CSV file's character encoding.
setEscapeChar(Character) - Method in class org.deri.tarql.CSVOptions
Sets the escape character used in the file to escape quotes.
setPrologue(Prologue) - Method in class org.deri.tarql.TarqlQuery
Set prologue.
setQuoteChar(Character) - Method in class org.deri.tarql.CSVOptions
Sets the quote character used in the file.
setUp() - Method in class org.deri.tarql.TarqlTest
size() - Method in class org.deri.tarql.CSVTable
Returns the number of rows in the table.
sizeCache - Variable in class org.deri.tarql.CSVTable
source - Variable in class org.deri.tarql.CSVTable
StreamingRDFWriter - Class in org.deri.tarql
Writes an iterator over triples to N-Triples or Turtle in a streaming fashion, that is, without needing to hold the entire thing in memory.
StreamingRDFWriter(OutputStream, Iterator<Triple>) - Constructor for class org.deri.tarql.StreamingRDFWriter
Class constructor.